The Law of the Expression of Power


By ALOP Team

Expression of Power Vs Power

Power itself involves ability, efficiency, and might, along with the chemical processes that support the work being done or empower the individual carrying out the work.

Hello, everyone; my name is Ebenezer Gabriels, one of the co-authors of the Ancient Laws of Power. I want to quickly talk to you about the expression of power, which is the law of the expression of power. The majority of what you see people talk about today, when people describe power, how they describe power—oh, if you see the way that person spoke, jumped, or ran—what they are talking about is essentially not power; they are talking about the expression of power. There needs to be an understanding of this. There is a distinction between power itself and the expression of power. Power almost all the time has to do with possession.

So, power is different from the expression of power, and there is a lot more to talk about regarding power itself. I want to invite you to the Orlando ALOP quickly, that's the Asian Laws of Power boot camp. It's going to be powerful, it's going to be amazing. If you haven't gotten your ticket yet, click on the link below and I'll see you there. Thank you so much. Also, don't forget to go to our website, that is the ancient laws of Talk to you soon.